Last Saturday on the 5th of March we celebrated the little guy who changed my life 5 years ago. It’s always a day met with mixed emotions . on the one hand I am so proud and taken aback by the little man he is becoming, so at awe of all he has learnt and done. And on the other hand, it’s that feeling at the bottom of my stomach that reminds me how little control we have over it all, how time is only speeding up. It’s the feeling of wanting to push pause and say Please don’t grow up anymore. PLEASE stay this way for a little while longer. It’s the morning of what once was. The letting go of my baby.
In hindsight I’m so glad we had his party after his actual birthday because had we had it on the same day I might have been found drinking a bottle wine and bawling my eyes out in the fetal position at the bottom of the garden: in front of all our guests. The reason I know this is because it’s exactly what happened on his actual birthday when I got home and put him to sleep that night. That could have had to do with the fact that we went to Spur for his birthday dinner. (JOKES! That place totally rocks now that my kids are old enough to stand up for themselves in the play area!)
So yeah. Birthdays. They’re a big one for me, but I got though it unscathed.
Last Saturday we hosted his much-anticipated Super Hero party and what a fun afternoon it was. It was honestly one of the easiest stress free parties I have thrown thanks to Ginger Ray, Merry pack and the weather being on our side. Two years ago we planned his soccer party at our place and one of the biggest storms EVER hit Cape Town in March! We ended up with 50 adult and kids in our apartment with kids hanging off the chandeliers and rubbing cake into our carpets. SO yes, I know what a stressful party looks like. THIS was anything BUT.

Noah’s beautiful cousin Maddi.

This dude didn’t stop eating from the time the party started till he closed his eyes that night. Go Batman!!

My gorgeous Heat Mama friend Jules. Being SUPERMOM again 😉

Nuna ( or should i say Super MER!) killed it with her costume choice. Three school friends hanging out.

I love it how Brody is watching his big brother in this pic…. Nad the happiness on Noah’s face!!
I found such awesome party stuff from Ginger Ray (A beautiful party accessories & stationary company owned by an old school friend) Seriously this range of Superhero decor was out of this world and really well priced too. All stuff we can use again!
The only really time-consuming thing I did (and even that took all of 30 minutes) was printing out some free printable superhero stickers and gluing them to some cups to make SUPERHERO JELLY CUPS!! They were a hit I tell you. The cups cost me under 30 buck for 25 and the I’m not sure how much jelly cost. I think its safe to say they cost me under R50 to make.
Im not going to waste time telling you about every little thing that was on the table but one thing that I really have to RAVE about was his cake. It was the coolest, most beautifully crafted cake I have ever seen (Besides my own wedding cake maybe!) Kirsty Knot made the cake for us and was even kind enough to deliver it on the day. It was exactly the cake Noah chose from pinterst pictures, down to the perfect colors! AND MY word, it was so deeeelish (with a red velvet and cream cheese center) that even the adults were swarming around it. The thing that really surprised me was what Kirsty charged for this sumptuous little work of art! All I know is that most people would charge close to double. It felt like I had robbed someone honestly!

How incredible??
With that being said, I know I have found the person who will bake all our special occasion cakes going forward and I will highly recommend her to anyone. Go check out her facebook page and leave a comment if you want me to send her details.
The other person I would like to mention is Anna from Tickled Blue who made this poster for us last year. I printed it out again and hung it from the trees. How flipping cute?
All in all it was a great day: Not a single tear, happy, fed and tired kids who crashed as soon as the y for home… Every parents dream right? You know where you will find us next year same time. For a mom who swore off parties at home, I NAILED it.
Special thank to all our family and friends who made it such a fun and memorable day xxx
