The Mom Diaries was born 6 years ago out of my desperate need to make sense of difficult birth recovery and the many challenges I was facing as first time mom. Having studied Child Psychology and with 10 years of childcare experience under my belt, I felt qualified to enter my new role with ease and certain degree of confidence. I soon realised there was no amount of experience or sneaky hidden secrets in the gazillion books on my bed side table that could really prepare me for motherhood and all its messy uncertainty. In truth, I had never felt so under-qualified for the task.
However, I soon began to find my feet and trust my instincts. I also began to trust that I was the perfect mother for my baby, chosen specially for him. Although we got off to a rough start, I had to accept and embrace it as our story, our very own journey and one that has seen me watch my baby grow into a beautiful healthy and happy little boy who is now 5! Realising these things, made my journey the second and third time round that much easier! Yup we are now a family of five with little princess added to the mix!! EEEK!!
I’m realising too, that with each age comes different challenges and just as you think you’ve got it all waxed, they seem to grow up a little more! It’s more often than not one big guessing game and we often get it wrong, but seeing my kids growing up into sweet-natured, polite and respectable little boys means we must be getting a lot right too!
Through all the trials we face raising children, I will never seize to be amazed at the wonderful and magical gift that motherhood offers me, and on a daily basis I am filled with gratitude that I was chosen to be their mother.
There are far more victories than challenges, far more highs that lows and many more laughs than tears. This blog aims to share all these stories, both difficult and liberating. I hope they will will inspire you and remind you that although we are all on this unpredictable journey, motherhood, is here to be celebrated and enjoyed, in every season.
We need to remember too that becoming a mother does not mean we lose all sense of self. We are still, at the very heart of it all, women. Which is why I now have a whole section of my blog dedicated to this. You will find a Lifestyle category which will explore the many other facets that make up our roles as women, which include fashion, food, health and beauty and home and decor. Come and see!