So today is #worldadoptionday! While this day wouldn’t have really meant much to me 4 or so years ago it is now a day I celebrate with my friends who have gone down the beautiful road of adoption and welcomed the most delightful little children into their lives.
These are friends who I have come to admire so much, not only for their roles as adoptive parents but also just the inspiration they are to me. They are pretty amazing human beings! While they have embraced these children as their own,  every single one of them will say that the joy and love their children have brought them far out weighs the joy and love they have given their children. (With parents as cool as these I’m not sure that’s possible!)
They will tell me time and time again that adopting was one of the best things they have ever done. That their children are the most perfect fit for them and that their lives are fuller than they have ever been because of the wonderful gift that adoption is.

I look at their growing families and I feel so proud to know them, not because they should feel any different to a normal family with biological blood between them, but because I have seen them overcome challenges and face hurdles that we haven’t needed to. On top of the hard work it takes to raise kids they have to deal with admin and paperwork and hours spent in courts. They have really gone the extra mile when it comes to forming/creating/growing the families they have.
My friends Sarah and Mike who adopted Phoenix 4 years ago are a true inspiration to us everyday. They went on to adopt Tatum almost 2 years ago and watching them fall in love with their children and take parenthood by the horns has been an amazing thing to witness. So often I find myself learning from these friends because they seem to have a deeper understanding of the true gift of parenthood. While I always realize how blessed I am, I realize they may offer a different perspective to our journey as parents.

My other friend who I can’t boast enough about is my lovely friend Jules who writes a beautiful blog called Heart Mama Blog. Her and her husband Ryan began their adoption journey about 5 years ago and adopted their first son Ilan soon after. Since then they have added two more delicious babies to the mix, Kira and Judah who are only a few months apart!!

This chick is just incredible. Her capacity for her growing family is out of this world. Never mind the physical demands of raising three kids under 4, her heart capacity has simply expanded to accommodate the ever-growing love she has for her children. It’s just too precious to see.
My friend Jane whose adoptive daughter Rachel is also in Ilan and Noah’s class is another example of a love and connection made possible through adoption. Jane and her husband Mike adopted Rachel who is now 4 and have since had their own biological child Emma. This for me is also one of the most precious sides of adoption: Seeing two sisters of a different race, form an inseparable bond. They are SISTERS through and through in every sense of the word.

It really has shown me first hand how blood and race mean nothing when it comes to loving a child like your own. In fact their bond goes beyond biology and science, it’s a spiritual connection made possible by God, the one whose very blood was shed for us! At the end of the day, its one person’s blood that truly matters, Jesus himself. And his blood runs through all of us.
There are many other people whose stories i could share here too (Wendy and David Chong, Shawn and Nina, Sharryn and Sean and Ryan and Kate) and whose lives have been a true inspiration to me, not only as a mom but as someone who is always striving to seek Gods voice in my everyday life. I love that all these couples started off at the very same place: hearing God talking to them aboutHis plans for their lives.
So lets salute these people today, who have chosen to grow or expand their families this way, these couples who have brought awareness to us around the subject of adoption with grace and humility. Friends who have inspired us, coached us, encouraged us, showed the way, ignited a flame. Friends who have shown us first hand what it’s all about.
Lets salute these people on #worldadoption day and every day after that.

If any of you would like to read more about Julie and Ryans’s story go check out her blog and dig in.

Jules started this blog to connect with other adoptive moms and give them a place to share and feel like they were part of the mom community. She shares candidly her experiences of raising three children and LOVES talking to people who may be thinking of going down the very exciting road. So If you know anyone who is looking into adoption, this is the girl you want to speak to!

Here’s her Facebook page to stay up to date with all things parenting and adoption.


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