It’s taken me three pregnancies to fully appreciate the importance of prenatal and postnatal care. Three long and somewhat gruelling pregnancies to remind me how much our bodies rely on healthy choices and ensuring we take a good vitamin supplement, especially during those crucial months.

As someone who has suffered with severe anaemia over the years, I have had to monitor my iron levels closely throughout all my pregnancies. Unfortunately I stopped being as disciplined with taking my  PregOmega PLUS vitamins towards the end of my last pregnancy with Hunter and it was this negligence that landed me up in hospital having to undergo an iron transfusion as 33 weeks. I stopped taking care of myself and it had a direct result on my body and my health. It was a big wake up call, a reminder that no matter where we are in our pregnancies, our bodies rely on these extra vitamins more than we realise.


“Iron is the second key nutrient in prenatal vitamins because it’s needed to make red blood cells, and women gain more blood mass while they’re pregnant, explains Kerri Cuthbert, a dietitian with the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority. “Plus, it supports normal brain development in the baby.”

 The average woman requires about 18 milligrams of iron per day (compared to the 8 milligrams required by men), while pregnant women need 27 milligrams daily, especially in the last trimester when the baby begins storing enough iron to last for the first six months of life. Many women become iron deficient during pregnancy, because the fetus takes whatever iron it needs. If you have a blood test that shows you’re iron deficient, your physician may recommend additional iron supplements to return levels back to normal.” (Or in sever cases like mine, An iron transfusion”

Of course I wanted to kick myself for not doing something as simple as swallowing a couple of tablets every morning because truth is, all of this could have been avoided. More so, I would have felt a lot better instead of feeling low on energy, weak and as though my body were about to literally shut down. You guys may have also read about my unusual petrol cravings ( known as PICA) which is a direct result of low iron levels during pregnancy. The second my iron levels were back up, those cravings went away, as did my uncontrollable need to consume gallons of petrol everyday. (*I feel I need to add a disclaimer that I certainly never acted on any on these cravings and that no tiny humans were harmed in the making 🙂 )

WHY PregOmega Plus?

PregOmega Plus is South Africa’s number one choice of supplement before, during and after pregnancy. The growth and development of your baby will depend solely on the transfer of nutrients , including vitamins and minerals from you. Optimal nutrition during pregnancy sets the stage for the health and development of your child’s future. Research has proven that the effects of poor maternal nutrition will affect both mother and baby for years to come.

They were my personal choice because they were one of the few that didn’t make me feel more nauseas than I already did and because they offered everything in one, including the fish oil capsule.

Vit D enhances immune function and brain development, while Vit B6 assists with morning sickness and even depression associated with pregnancy. Calcium is important for fatal bone formation and bone density  making it vital for dental health.  I love that the PregOmega PLUS range covers everything, including the mega-3 fish oil capsules which is critical for neural development!

Lessons Learned…..

So have I learnt my lesson? You can bet your bottom dollar I have! I have become so much more aware of the benefits of taking a Multivitamin, especially one like PregOmega Plus, which is made especially with pregnant women in mind. It offers your body everything it needs to not only grow a healthy baby, but ensure that your body is well-nourished and looked after from the inside out. These days, with  no more babies baking in my belly, I rely heavily on an iron supplement and make sure I take my vitamins daily to avoid unnecessary sickness and crashes which is so important as a mom of three little ones who simply cannot afford to get sick.


PregOmega Plus would love to gift an expectant mom (or someone planning to fall pregnant) with THREE boxes of PregOmega Plus valued at over R700!

All you need to do is make sure you follow PregOmega on Facebook and  comment below with how many weeks pregnant you are. That’s it!! 

You can also download their all-inclusive guide called My Wonderous Gift to help you through your pregnancies. So head on over to their website for your free copy. Find their range at Dischem, clicks and independent pharmacies and selected retail stores.


*Terms and conditions apply *This post was written in collaboration with PregOmega *All thoughts and opinions are honest and my own.

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