I don’t want to sound like a brat or anything, but we are finally going our first overseas family holiday! I say FINALLY because planning this holiday has only been in the pipeline for close to 2 years now. Despite us having the money saved ages ago, it has taken us FOREVER to get our A’s into G and book an island holiday with the kids to enjoy some much needed family time. And our Passports have arrived so it’s official, we leave in 3 weeks!!
Why did something like this take so long to plan? Well, I think subconsciously I was waiting for the perfect time – not that there really ever is one with three small humans to plan for. BUT, I knew I didn’t want to be pregnant for one, secondly for Hunter to not be too young where her sleep and routine was all over the place! PLUS, It’s also quite overwhelming trying to find the perfect place for us that kept within our budget.
It’s quite ironic that the place we have eventually decided on is a place where we spent our Honeymoon 11 years ago! It took us a full year of debating and gong around in circles to settle on Le Victoria in Mauritius. We wanted somewhere child-friendly on the ‘good side” of the island that offered an all-inclusive package. (One we could enjoy to the max and not come home in debt after over-spending)
While we considered the Air B ‘n B route a couple of times, we agreed we needed somewhere where we don’t have to move too far from the hotel and where we won’t have to think or plan too much. As much as the Air B ‘n B options held some appeal in that they are more private(and you get more value for your buck in terms of accommodation) and that you can entertain and cook for yourself while still being close to beach, I couldn’t bear the thought of planning meals and washing up and and having to get in and out of hired cars or taxis to find restaurants. Too much admin with three kids and I’m sorry but this mama needs a break from cooking yo!
The guy in this picture looks like he’s walking over to me to ask me if i feel like another one? Another what I don’t quite know yet, but I’m sure the standard answer is going to be YES!!
At Le Victoria we have a family apartment to enjoy (double the size of a normal double hotel room), a choice of 4 different restaurants with all drinks included (Do you like Pina coladas? YOU HAVE TO SING THE THEME SONG!! ) and with all the extras like : a full equipped kids club, babysitters as well as water sports. I don’t blame you if all your heard there was PINA COLADAS. Really I don’t.
Those sundowners are literally calling me by name, I think I was dreaming about them al night last night! I will say it again, I don’t want to sound like a brat, but my family deserve this you guys!! SO many hours worked to try make this happen and we are finally able to take our kids on a little adventure. Could you find it in you to be happy for me?
I realise that it’s going to be so different from our first experience as we return to our honeymoon destination with three kids in tow, but I’m kinda excited to see it through their eyes and explore the beautiful beaches with three little people. Here’s what I’m looking forward to most:
- Seeing my kids faces as we take-off. I cannot explain to you how excited the boys are to go on an aeroplane for the first time. (Noah went when he was a baby but does that really count?)
- A slow holiday “routine” with zero planning but somehow naturally develops into a slow routine of mornings on the beach, afternoons by the pool, naps, beach walks at sunset and yummy meals in between.
- Exploring the long stretch of beaches with the kids and just breathing in fresh air and feeling the sand in my toes.
- Eating all the seafood!
- My 4pm Pina Colades (Who am I even kidding? 11.59 am sounds like a great time for the holidays….. we don’t have to drive anywhere so I’m being super responsible!)
- Not having to cook and letting my kids eat whatever they want at each meal. Yup, everyone can have something different everyday all day. No stress from nagging kids all needing something made for them!
- Not having to do laundry and clean up after kids. I have a feeling they will be living in swimming attire and so I doubt there will be much to pick up off the floor besides beach towels!
- Swimming in the warm ocean. I’m an ocean girl of note. I love frolicking in the waves and feeling the salty water wash over my face. Living in Cape Town where swimming in our oceans feels like the early stages of frost-bite, explains why this is something I plan on savouring every. single. day.
- Seeing Hunter enjoy the beach and playing in the sand with her brothers. This little girl is such a beach babe you guys. She has loved it from as early as 2 months old. Now that she’s on the move (not quite waking thank-goodness) I’m just so excited to see her enjoy playing and exploring. And her gorgeous bod in a cozzie of course!!
- Grabbing the moments in between to connect with my darling other half. We have accepted and made peace with the fact that it’s going to be a far cry from our first time in Mauritius where we actually got bored we had so little “to do” in terms of responsibility. This time our main focus is to connect with our kids and enjoy being together as a family. BUT there are babysitters and I plan on using them for the odd afternoon snorkel date and one or two late dinner dates while the kids stay in and watch movies. I can’t wait to have that moment where we sit and look into each others eyes over a bottle of wine and realise that 11 years have passed since we were there.

Image : Beachcomber Hotels & Resorts
We don’t really plan on leaving the hotel, unless we feel we have the sudden urge to escape for an afternoon. Do you have any suggestions? I know the waterfalls are spectacular, but not sure about doing it with kids? Any other day trip to beaches nearby? Hit me up in the comments with some suggestions!
PS: please don’t hate me too much for posting pictures of sunny beaches with palm tress while we sit here freezing our you know what’s off.

Awesome awesome awesome!!! You’ve inspired me to start planning and saving for ALL the same reasons… warm oceans, relaxed holiday “routines”, 11:59am Pina coladas etc!!! Enjoy every second… sounds wonderful!!
Hey Leigh, I’m sure you will love Le Victoria! It is one of our favourites that we sell. Just a quick heads up though, make sure you get your unabridged birth certificates, you need the originals when flying out of the country with your little ones. This is MANDATORY, and you don’t want to get stuck without them as you are about to board. PM me on Facebook if you have any questions. Have an awesome time!
You will not be sorry. We went to Le Victoria for the exact same reasons as you (good side of the island, kiddie friendly etc) and it was absolutely amazing and a dream come true. I am ever so slightly jealous 😊 Hope you’ll have an amazing and special time!