We have been using Predo Baby nappies for 3 months now. Yup thats’s right, from the moment my little bundle entered the world, this was the brand I trusted to take care of my baby’s diaper needs. The brand I trusted to ensure my baby didn’t experience nappy rashes and were gentle enough for her beautiful newborn skin. And so far, they have not disappointed!
There are many reasons why we like this brand of nappies. For one they are thinner than other nappies which you would think would be a bad thing because they would hold less liquid, but the opposite is true! These nappies are super abosrbant and keep all the mess where it belongs! The only time we had a leak was when Hunter had outgrown her size 2, and I didn’t change her after her 4 am feed (Naughty mom!!) and for obvious reasons she wet through her clothing. Since putting her in her bigger size we haven’t even needed to change her in the middle of the night.
I also love them because they are stretchy and light for summer time. They aren’t bulky and stretch with my baby’s movements, which let’s be honest at three months is become more more frequent and wild. I can only imagine how this will benefit her when she is over a year and on the move.
From what they claim, they are biodegradable which is a huge plus for me. I’m hoping to report back with some details as to what extent they are biodegradable, but the fact that the fabric of the nappy is soft cottony and breathable makes it likely that Predo Baby is certainly more biodegradable than most. For a product to be biodegradable it simply means It can break down into natural materials in the environment without causing harm. And if you google biodegradable nappies, Predo Baby is right there!
We also love them because they are so affordable despite being recognised as a trusted premium nappy brand in over 30 countries. Countries such as Belgium, Germany, Italy and France.
The Predo range is quality certified with ISO 9001:2008, CE Conformity. Additional tests have been performed by qualified quality control companies in Europe (Belgium, Germany, Italy and France), during which customer satisfaction was taken to the forefront with importance placed on producing high end products to suit our customer’s requirements.
Like I’ve said previously, it amazes me that not many moms know about this brand of nappy. Possibly because they are not available in stores like Pick ‘n Pay and your local Woolworths. We need your help changing this.
Where are they available you ask?
But we need your help getting them into the bigger shops. We need you to speak to your local Pick ‘n Pay manager to stock these nappies so that moms will be able to buy them during their monthly shops! I for one quite enjoy the convenience that comes with buying them online, but I know many moms prefer buying when they are at the shops and some may not always have access to the internet.
So next time you are at your local shop, please ask the manger why they don’t stock Predo, perhaps then they will see a demand for it.
For more info visit them on Facebook or go their website.

Hi Leigh. Thanks for this post! Any feedback yet on the extent these nappies are biodegradable? Thanks! 🙂
Hello Anri, thanks for your message! Im still waiting to know as to what extent they are biodegradable, I’m really needing to know too! I will post as soon as I have any info. xxx