I’ve probably walked passed their shop a dozen times admiring from afar the gorgeous decor pieces visible through their window on the popular Kloof Street. I may have even walked in far enough to appreciate the incredible quality and design work of some of their furniture that sits so impressively at the entrance to their beautiful shop. But I had no idea just how incredible Klooftique was until I actually ventured into their store to collect the beautiful Straight-Up floor lamp we used for our Master Bedroom Collaboration a few weeks ago.

It’s an impressively large furniture and decor store which boasts many bespoke pieces. From couches and occasional chairs to tables and lights to rugs and decorative features, it’s the kind of store you could spend hours (and all your money) in. The kind of shop that has you redecorating your entire home, in your head,  from start to finish. And when you hear their story you will find you will be even more inclined to want to invest in their product.

Kllooftique is a family-run business and one that has obtained the same premises for over 40 years!! Owned by husband and wife team Jarome and Marianna Furman, Klooftique are known for their quality of service and value for money.

Working with them on this Master Bedroom Collaboration has been an incredible honour and I’m so thankful they were keen to jump on board with us to showcase one of their products – the beautiful Straight-Up floor lamp featured here in our shoot. It was just the perfect match, such a perfect fit for the look and feel of the room!

I really love that this floor lamp has an exposed bulb! With so many other lights in the room, I feel another light with its own shade would have been too much. This is sexy and industrial and gives the room a certain edge!

Today we hear a little more form Marianna about their business and what makes them stand out from the rest!

1. How was your business/brand born and how long have you been running?

Klooftique was established  44 years ago , still occupies the same premises and is still run by the same family !  Historically the company specialised in  restoration and resale of Cape and Victorian furniture but with time evolved and has become known for manufacturing finely crafted , bespoke furniture with the emphasis on well designed , well made BUT affordable pieces   .

2. Tell us a bit about your brand and business ethos. 

The company has a simple mantra – manufacture and resale of beautifully crafted , handmade pieces which are affordable and timeless . The brand is synonymous with quality and unique design which is timeless. We believe in creating local employment and as such have our own  factory   manufacturing solely for us  with some of our staff having been with us for 20 years +.

3. How would you describe your stye and what is your signature product?

Utilitarian, simple, easy-to-use and  functional .  Our signature product is definitely the Nu York sofa  and our fabulous So Lo Daybed BUT those who know our history will concur that Klooftique became known for our superb reproduction ( using the old  techniques like coil springing and French polishing ) of Art Deco furniture – specifically sofas.

4. Where do you get your inspiration from? 

The little things in life … my husband designs and over-sees production in our factory and is truly gifted at what he does … we have never really been drawn to trends as our belief is to create timeless pieces which become heirlooms.

 5. What have been some of the greatest highlights on your journey this far? 

Many wonderful blessings have been showered on us and after 44 years and still standing with our feet planted firmly in the ground to have continued the Klooftique legacy by far exceeds any award .

6. What have been some of your greatest challenges?

Labour – Skilled labour and the ever-changing face of the SA economy . Our weak Rand wrecks havoc on local business.

7.  How do you keep up with trends while still remaining true to your personal style? 

Never derail from your beliefs I guess … trends come and go and it’s essential to always have good basics which can be funked up with the “ in thing “

8. What do you want your customers to feel when they have purchased something from your store? What will they know when purchasing something from you?

That we try our utmost to please – we don’t believe in over-promising and under-delivering and the challenges one faces running a manufacturing business and retail outlet are enormous . Each item is  hand made on an order system and is unique . When purchasing from Klooftique you are not purchasing a dime a dozen made product – these are items which will last a life time.

9. How do you juggle family/personal life while still looking after your business?

Ahhhh the age old question of the working mother ! Trick is to be super organised and know your limitations. Life is balancing act and if you have too many balls up in the air you will drop one.

10. Where can we find you?

Our retail store in Kloof street showcases most of our products ( not all as there are sooooo many with not enough showroom space ) and our website which showcases our product range.

So unless you’ve been hiding under a rock, you would know that Kooftique are giving away one of their gorgeous straight- up lights in our Master Bedroom Collaboration Competition valued at over R23 000! You can click here to enter. Klooftique are also running an amazing competition on their website too to win furniture to the value of R30 000!  GO AND SEE!!!


This avant-garde range of copper and powder coated lamps are designed and manufactured in Cape Town.




• Size : +-1650mm High
• Pictured In : Treated Copper Body on Black Powder Coated Steel Base. They also come in black and white!

**All copper products are treated with a clear lacquer.


Tel: 021 424 9458


Don’t forget to follow all the steps in the post if you want to get your hands on this and loads of other gorgeous items that will literally see your bedroom made over into something out of a magazine!



Hi I’m Leigh! Did you enjoy reading this post? I really hope so and would love you to stick around a little longer! Please feel free to browse my blog for other articles or to keep up with all the latest news and to be the first to hear about some great competitions, come and find me me on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. You can also email me directly at leeloobaggins@hotmail.com or simply subscribe below and never worry about missing out!