I know i said i wouldn’t do it – i said i wouldn’t moan and be that pregnant woman who feels the need to rant and complain about how tough pregnancy is, but I neeeeeed to vent and tell you all how flipping awful I am feeling. Plus its my blog so I can do what I want. Please bare with me if you think I’m being a self- consumed brat.
Right now as I type his I am experiencing that round ligament pain that any second-time pregnant mom would know all too well. I can barely move – it feels like I have a stitch or cramp deep in my side/groin area! It usually after a long mission out that it makes its appearance or funny enough in the middle of the night! Yup, on any given night I can experience this as many as 4 times and each episode lasts for about 30 minutes. So you can guess I’m not getting much sleep either.
It literally takes my breath away and there’s nothing I can do about it – i just have to see it through i guess.
Then there’s the horrific heartburn and acid reflux that quite literally has me waking up with acidic bile/vomit in my mouth at any given time. lovely I know. People who have never really had burn may roll there eyes at this, but if you’ve struggled with bad heartburn, you will know. IT’S GASTLY! I may even go as far as to say it’s debilitating. Like you rally can’t do or think of much else when it gets really bad.
And because I’m in pain and discomfort I can’t walk for long lengths of time without feeling like some has kicked me in the crotch. So I can’t exercise which means I’m just getting flabby and picking up weight faster than I should. Never mind the weight side of things because truth is I’m not all that stressed about it, but walking and doing my gentle exercise is often all that keeps me sane and feeling half-human. Now I’m too scared to even take the stairs out of fear I may only make it half way before bending over in a ball of pain and having to call my husband to come and find me.
Plus my feet are always sore, my lower back has taken a beating and my boobs are growing too fast which means I’m probably going to get some lovely stretch marks in the next couple of weeks. And I really hate big boobs so no don’t envy me.
And so all this makes me feel useless, like I cant do anything I need to – like see to the kids I already have or keep up with the demands of blogging and all the projects I have committed to. And as I face the reality that there are still 11 long weeks to go before I see the end in sight, it’s hard not to want to curl up in a ball at the end of a long day and have a good cry. And believe me sometimes I do.
I know I need to just be grateful and thank God for this blessing. I do. And I know it’s going to be more than worth it, but I have to admit that I’m struggling and starting to hate this pregnancy a little. Please no judgement!
I’m 30 weeks next week and that kind of gives me a feeling of having conquered the better part of this pregnancy journey but at the same time it feels like each and every day and every minute that fills it is just about doing my head in.
I miss my wine, my sushi, my comfortable sleep (Let’s be honest that’s not going to get better any time soon!), being able to paint my toenails, my exercise and I really miss being able to squeeze into a tight parking bay. Some days I get back to my car after shopping and someone has parked little to close on my side of the car so I’ve had to resort to climbing in from the passenger side. Yup, you can only imagine the sight – me huffing and puffing as I try to negotiate the logistics of moving my massive self from one side of the car to the other.
So that’s me in a nutshell. That’s where I’m at in this pregnancy journey. That’s the raw honest truth of how I’m feeling right now. Am I being a fat baby? I dare you to think long and hard before you answer that. Guys tell me I’m going to be ok!!!
Preggy mamas what are some of your biggest struggles and what has REALLY worked for you? Heartburn remedies, muscle aches, sleeping positions, substitute for the things you cant have….. tell me your secrets!! xxx

Thanks for sharing! I’m right there with you – 36 weeks now but the last trimester is soooo slow. It also doesn’t help having a little toddler running around and demanding more attention than usual. I guess it is preparing us for the lack of sleep etc when baby arrives.
Thank YOU! Yup doesnt help having kids to run around after for sure 🙂 Im with you bon that – Hope you start getting some much needed rest in between he madness xxxx
ALTOSEC!!! I would not have survived my pregnancy without it. Sincerely. I couldn’t even drink water the heartburn was so bad. I wanted to die at one point just to stop that feeling. Call your gynae right this very second and ask for a script for altosec, get somebody to bring it to you now and start taking it. Within a few days, you will literally not hate your pregnancy nearly as much. All the love xxxx
TOTALLY going to end out about this mands – i think its my only option xxx THANK you! xxxxx
I know what you mean. I had my baby in February. I had a difficult pregnancy. Restless legs, carpel tunnel in my wrists and joints, couldnt bend my fingers and my wrists would click from water retention. My arms would go lame if I lay down to much. I was very swollen and developed eczema on my feet and hands. I had bad nausea and heartburn which pushed into my mouth. Heavy pressure, back pain, sore breast, constant loo breaks, bleedimg gums and nose bleeds. I felt guilty wanting to be done with the pregnancy because so many dream of a baby and cant have. Pregnancy is hard work physically, mentally and emotionally. There is nothing really that eased my aches and pains until my daughter was born.
OMG you have had it way worse than me!! You have way more right than i do to have felt the way you did – you must be so relieved its over! Flip, what a a joy to finally have her in your arms I’m sure 🙂 CONGRATS mama! xxxx
I love your posts. Yes it’s true, pregnancy is not for the faint hearted. I’m currently 21 weeks pregnant with baby no 3, another boy ( I have 3 sons) and i have to admit that each pregnancy has been so painfully difficult!! I feel like this pregnancy has made me age within 5 months , ive become a walking complaint box, can’t bend, can’t walk for too long as my hips feel like they are popping out of their sockets and can only carry my 2 year old for about 10 minutes before I become breathless!! Plus this darling little jelly bean thinks my uterus is a trampoline and it feels like he is bouncing around in there.They call it the joys of motherhood( whoever the hell they are). But I promise to embrace every day because this might be my last pregnancy. Hang in there, the end is near and all the very best!!
Sorry, I have 2 sons, typo
Haha thank you for putting a smile on my face an reminding me that I’m not alone. 🙂 Its a fine line between feeling so incredibly grateful and just not knowing how much more of it you can cope with! 🙂 3 boys!! You are going to be one very lucky an d well looked after lady 🙂 xxxx GOOD LUCK!!!
Oh I totally see you there wth the heartburn, and ligament pain. I’m 34 weeks on Friday and trying hard to just enjoy each stage. The random burping and gas is so not ladylike! I have definitely still spoilt myself with a little sushi here and there though. If you buy from someone you know and have eaten at before it’s fine. Good luck with the last couple of months!
I go to Willoubys once a month but I’m used to eating it weekly 🙂 And i have the odd glass of wine but nothing like drinking a bottle on Saturday night haha! Im within you a pain free last month- you are so very close now!!! EEEEEK!