The lovely Anna from Tickled Blue recently made contact with me. She was kind enough to send me a personalised superhero poster for Noah who was beyond stoked seeing as he’s besotted with all things superhero right now. How cool is this poster??
I love hearing stories of women (especially moms) taking a leap of faith and starting their own businesses. While there is always a little bit of a risk, their is also so much reward when your hard work eventually starts to pay off and you see you dream become a reality. Today we talk to Anna about her journey in starting this fabulous little stationary and decor business Tickled Blue.
1. What did you do before you started Tickled blue?
I originally trained as teacher, in Zulu of all things! And then re-qualified after hours in marketing. I worked in corporates for years and have been consulting on and off the past few.
2. What made you want to start this business?
I’ve always had a creative eye I guess: I taught in the days when we made our own worksheets by cutting out colouring-in books and hand writing everything, and I loved that part of the job. I adore bright things and am garden and decor mad. When my boys were little I struggled to find art for their walls which wasn’t Disney themed so I had some posters designed, and ‘hey presto’, that’s where the range began!
3. What are some of the challenges?
Working alone, can be, ah hem, lonely! I miss being part of team. I miss having my ideas debated and improved upon, or scuppered! In a creative business its hard to keep the faith that what one is producing is likeable, and more importantly, saleable!
4. What are some of the pros of working for yourself? There is some pride in what I’ve achieved, for instance I designed my website myself, (a real labour of love, an extremely steep learning curve and many late nights!), but flexibility is definitely the key as to why I persist.
5. What advice can you give other moms wanting to start out with their own business?
Small businesses are hard as often they don’t produce enough revenue to support two, but I think it would be great to have a partner. And toughen up! I abhor markets! I feel vey exposed and vulnerable standing there with my products, but they pay dividends in exposure for sure.
6. What does your brand/business focus on/provide?
We offer an (ever increasing) range of family friendly, largely personalised, cheery gift and decor items!
Guys do yourselves a favour and go and check out her website to see more of her range. It includes things like placemats, quirky wine glasses and so much more!
To WIN a poster of your own for your son or daughter please follow these three easy peasy steps!
- Follow Tickled Blue on Facebook
- Follow The mom diaries on Facebook
- Comment with Girl/Boy in the comments
- This competition will run until Thursday 8th October and entries will close at 12h00.
- This competition is open to South African residents only.
- You have one week to claim your prize. In the event of it not being claimed a re-draw will occur.
- You have to complete all three steps in order to qualify.
- My decision is final and this prize cannot be redeemed for cash.
GOOD LUCK ladies! xxx

Hi there, I have liked both and I love the poster idea for my Boys
Boy 🙂 great competition, Leigh!
Boy 🙂
Girl . Thanks
Boy 🙂
Boy.. my son is into modes of transport.. loves cars, trains and buses etc
Girl ?
Liked both pages and Boy please!
I have “liked” both pages, I have a boy 🙂
Boy 🙂
Holding thumbs. This is such a cool competition.