When I fell pregnant with our first son, I can remember spending hours, days, if not even months doing up his nursery. It was such huge part of the preparation process and let’s be honest, I all the time in the world to do it. I had no other small people demanding my time or running around under my feet. The months before Noah arrived, I would dream about every little feature his bedroom would have and I did anything to make my Pinterest dream a reality.
Fast forward 2 years and my sense of reality had drastically changed. In fact I can barely remember doing up a nursery for my second born. And the little effort I did put in was a bit of a waste of time because three months after Brody was born we moved. So the fact that he stayed in our bedroom the first three months meant he didn’t even spend a singe night in his own room. By the time we were settled in our new place after an exhausting move with a 2 year old and 3 month old, I honestly couldn’t be bothered with painting a new room and going to town with decor. I kept convincing myself he would eventually take over Noah’s stuff, which in the end, he did.
Because Noah’s nursery theme was Nautical, I felt it was a nice theme (at the time) because it enabled him to grow into it. And so passing it on to Brody was a no brainer. But over time I began to notice how tired his room was looking and I started to feel I owed it to him to give his room a bit of a makeover. This mom guilt thing is real right? Still, I felt like i wanted to explore the options available to me and join forces with the kids decor brands I was seeing pop up all over my social media feeds.
Which brings me to how The Ultimate Collaboration came about and how I with the help of 12 extremely talented poeple, began to feel inspired to create a bedroom my little boy was going to love. Earlier this year I began receiving press drops for decor items for my boys bedrooms. Local brands were making contact with me to review their products and look at their brands. I slowly began to see an opportunity whereby several+ local brands could collaborate to create a bedroom makeover of dreams.
I felt a stir in my heart to find out more about these local brands and scratch beneath the surface of their online websites. I began to feel a pull to bring these brands together by creating a space where all their beautifully crafted pieces were featured in the same room. And so with weeks of planning and trawling the internet for brands I believed would fit my project, I sent out a proposal to 22 brands asking them if they would be interested in jumping on board the Ultimate Collaboration project! And a whopping 20 brands, replied with a very eager YES! I was quite amazed to learn, that this kind of collaboration had already been done before (there I was thinking I was being super clever!). But just because I had been hiding under rock, didn’t mean I couldn’t give it a go too and come up with something a little different of my own.
It’s been such an exciting process of making contact with these brands, sourcing products that would fit the theme and finding out more about how these women run their businesses. I’m constantly inspired by women who take on businesses like this to support their families and who use their creativity to create things that we get to enjoy. So much time, effort and planning goes into ensuring their products are unique, stylish and often personal to each child.
So last week, I began the great big overhaul of my little big boy’s bedroom and it’s almost ready to share with all of you. Now I just have to say up front, that this isn’t all about me. It would probably have been a better idea if I had told you all from the get go that early next year we are offering a reader the chance to WIN a bedroom makeover to the value of R 20 000! One lucky mama will be walking away with product from each of the brands featured in the makeover.
You are going to need to keep a close eye out for the great reveal post coming soon to see just what it is you could be winning. In the meantime, just to get you on the edge of your seat, these are the brands who are involved in The Ultimate Collaboration :
My Tiny Teepee (Involved in the Collab alone but you will want to feast your eyes on these gems!)
That’s 20 local brands who are just eager to spoil one lucky little boy or girl with a bedroom makeover of dreams. For snippets and previews of what’s to come, come hang out on the good old Insta!
I’m so excited to share Brody’s Big Boy bedroom with all of you! Until then, go check out these awesome brands if you don’t know them already. You will be kicking yourself if your haven’t got your christmas orders in already 🙂
Mucho’s love xxx

Hi Leigh, I’m so looking forward to seeing your little boy’s room. Hoping to steal some ideas!! I’m hoping to do my little girl’s bedroom, who will be leaving mommy’s room soon.
Hi Leigh
Nia is 6 and still sleeps with me but would love a new bed in her own room. I hope I am not too late to enter.
Hey there I have finished all the steps asked for competition. Holding my fingers crossed. Love the blog