I met Nicky when i was a bridesmaid for a friend’s wedding just over two years ago. She photographed their wedding and everyone who saw those pictures agreed this girl had some incredible talent. Then a few months ago i ran into her at a one year birthday celebration of a mutual friend’s little girl. It took us up until the very end to even remember where we knew each other from but the second the penny dropped it was as though i had bumped into an old friend. She is the sweetest soul you will ever meet and you naturally feel so comfortable with her. Which i guess is why she makes such an amazing photographer. She really has the ability to put you at ease and feel relaxed in your own skin.

When Nicky is not capturing moments between newly weds, families and expecting couples ( and anything else really!), she is mom to a gorgeous little 19 month old. When she speaks about her daughter Lilly, her whole face lights up.  You can see she is the love of her life. I love it that she is passionate about finding the balance between caring for her child and fulfilling her dreams as a photographer. Passion certainly exudes from every fibre of her being and it’s so evident in her pictures.

I asked her a little while ago if she would take some snaps of my brood and here are just a few of my favorites. Take a look at her website www.nickystowephotography.co.za to find more reason to call her for your next shoot. You will not be sorry.

Leagh-55Leigh kissLeagh-24Leagh-26Leagh-9Leagh-22Leagh-2Leagh-32Leagh-4

If you want to chat to Nicky directly you can call her on 084 577 1134 or alternatively email her at hello@nickystowephotography.co.za.

Power to the momtrepeneur!

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