Early Morning School-Runs, Meltdowns And Lessons In Parenting
School is back today and I thought that it would welcome back with it a sense of order and routine, a feeling of relief as my mornings become somewhat my own again. Instead we all woke up on the wrong side of the bed and I just felt overwhelmed with life and the...
A FUN and Fabulous Party At The Cape Town Science Centre!
Most of you will know by now how I feel about birthday parties. I've gone from over-the-top, time-consuming parties that take months of planning to one's that are simple and most importantly take the pressure off. I still want my kids to have the best time, don't get...
‘CLAY PLAY’ Kids Holiday Programme At The Norval Foundation
If there's one thing I miss about my school years, it's the afternoons I spent at Frank Joubert art school in the the pottery room. I still remember the earthy smell of the clay and wet paint that would penetrate my nostrils as we walked into the studio every Thursday...
To Brody On Your 5th Birthday!!
Dear Brody Bear..... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! My boy I cannot put into words how proud I am of you! How much joy you bring to my life. But as usual I’m going to try. Seeing you grow into such an incredible little human being brings tears to my eyes. Tears of pride and...
Farewell Dear Benjy
I’m not even quite sure how to start this post. Truth is I think I'm still in the denial stage. What come’s after denial? Acceptance? Yup, that’s going to be the toughest stage of all. I'm not sure I’ll ever really accept that this was Benjy’s fate. I’m just going to...
Because I Said So And Because I Love You
Parenting is hard. We all know that. I mean you just have to bumps heads with you seven year-old or try reason with your tantruming two year-old in the middle of a Pick 'n Pay isle to know that parenting is a lot like producing a movie about zombies or trying to...
Netflix’s New Features Make Home Entertainment Even Better + *WIN!!
With winter now truly here in full force, it means we are resorting to cosy couch time a little more than usual. Is there anything more relaxing and inviting than snuggling under a duvet with a mug of something hot while you watch something on telly? Of course it's...
Operation Sleep-Train Part TWO : How We Did It!
So now that you all know my feelings on sleep-training and why we felt it was best for us, I'm going to get right into the nitty-gritty of the HOW! If you missed my post yesterday you can catch up here first. IN A NUTSHELL After what seemed like months of Hunter...
Operation Sleep-Train | PART ONE
I have three children, and so I speak from a fair degree of experience when I say that all babies are different. All babies are born so unique and wired so differently, making it difficult to always know how to read and "decode" them right? We are constantly trying to...
Have Mommy Blogs Become Irrelevant?
I'm in quite a weird space mentally at the moment. I feel like my mind is at war with itself, or rather that there are too many voices in my head (and out there!) telling me too many different things. Maybe my heart is just struggling to keep up with my overactive...
When Reality Is Better Than The Dream
Have you ever wanted something so badly for so long, and when you eventually got it, it was even better than you ever could have imagined? I'm not talking about that ice-cream craving you've had all week that was finally satisfied with a trip to Crumbs and Cream or...
How Our Weekends Have Changed Since Having Kids
Picture credit : Happy Socks So how much have your weekends changed since having kids?? I know mine has done a full 180-degree turn since we welcomed our little critters into the world. Sometimes I look back at how much our lifestyles have changed and can barely wrap...
Why Simplifying My Kids Parties Is Helping Me Be a Better Mom
Ok so as usual let me start with a massive disclaimer : I don't judge moms who love to throw a good children's party. Truth is I actually admire their commitment and dedication to the task. How they set out to create something magical for their children's special day,...
From Hero To Zero
You know that good ol' saying "I went form Hero to zero"? Yes? Well these 6 little words seem to describe me so aptly right now. I feel like I am WINNING at life one moment only to feel like I'm being kicked to the ground the next. It's such a freaking rollercoaster...
Teething Can Kiss My Furry White Ass
I wish there was a better way to say it guys. But there you have it. If teething were a person I would tell it to kiss my white furry ass. And then I would kick him (OH it has to be a man!) in the teeth. Just to get even. My seven month-old baby has gone from a...
Things I Never Thought I Would Hear Myself Saying To My Kids | By Heidi Short
By Heidi Short A few weeks ago I found myself standing in the shower, precariously balanced over a bucket, counting down 90 seconds (if you live in Cape Town, you’ll get it) and marvelling at how my standards have slipped. Not 10 minutes before, I had instructed my...
Four Words I Never Thought I Would Say + WIN a R2000 Bio-Oil Hamper!
I miss being pregnant. Now those are four words I never thought I would say. I think it's more the knowing that I won't get to experience it all again, that sheer excitement and wonder of carrying a baby inside you. That feeling of anticipation as you approach your...
Why Mom Friends Are Vital To Your Growth and Sanity
Yesterday I sat in my friend Ashlea's kitchen talking about life and just having a general catch up. She made me a strong coffee because well, she's a mom of three too and could sense how much I needed one. My eye was twitching I was so tired she could see it in my...
Our Children Are Uniquely, Fearfully and Wonderfully Made
⇑ Pic By Angela Rea Photography No two babies are the same. They are all so unique. I found that out the day Brody was born. Everything about him was different to Noah from the get-go. He loved being swaddled, where as his older brother had despised it and always...
The Importance Of Taking Time Out To Rejuvenate
Parenting is hard. As rewarding and as wonderful as these years are, they can leave us feeling depleted and with an overwhelming sense of identity loss. I mean who am I besides a mom and wife? What happened to the person I was before my kids came along? Sound...