domestic protector

I love it that I get to inform people of amazing products on this blog and generally share some pretty awesome news with those who frequent this little nook on the internet. I love it that most of you trust me to bring you news and information that is worthwhile knowing about and things that could possibly help or inspire you.

One of the products I have been part of endorsing for over a year now is the Domestic Protector policy from Africa Direct. The reason I know its been such a valuable source of information to so many is because it’s been one of my highest viewed posts and has been shared a great deal over social media! Add to this, the fact that I am asked at least once a week to direct people to these posts, and it’s pretty clear it’s something that has really caught the people of South Africa’s attention as we strive to better the lives of our nannies and domestic workers.

Some of you may be new around here or perhaps you have missed it, so here is the run down of what exactly the Domestic Employee Protector offers:

The Domestic Employee protector was developed to provide employers with an affordable insurance cover of only R95pm that provides their employee (home helper, gardener, carer, child minder) with comprehensive benefits that include some of the most important benefits that are needed:

*Accidental AND Severe illness Income protection R1000 per week (Covering Cancer, stroke, heart attack etc)
*Funeral benefit of R18 000 in the event of natural death and *R68 000 IN THE EVENT OF ACCIDENTAL DEATH
*Repatriation R35 000 (THE COST OF TRANSPORTING the deceased can be as high as R18 000 to eastern cape and up to R35 000 if beyond the borders of SA)
*Accident hospital cash R 1000 per day (many people are injured due to taxi accidents, acts of violence)
*Trauma benefit R750 per session this provides cover for the family and the member
*R50 000 Disability cover
*R10 airtime every month

*** People that apply online can also choose a charity of their choice such as Pink Drive, Els for Autism, Common Good Foundation etc. R5 of the monthly premium is donated to the charity of your choice. Even though this sounds a little, many little’s make a lot!

So the next time you sit asking “How can I look after our domestic better?”, remember there is a very affordable way to do so!

PLEASE go and check out Africa Direct Life or sms Lee Pluke directly on 082 880 2684 and he will call you back and answer any of your questions. Lee and Jeroen (the brains behind this product) had a vision to change the way we look after domestic workers in South Africa and it’s amazing seeing this vision being brought to life. Please share this far and wide to tell others the good news.

One very important thing to note is that your domestic does not need to be a SA citizen and covers foreigners too!!

If you have any questions feel free to comment below and I will do my best to answer them for you! Or I will put someone in touch with you who can.

0861 91 91 91

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