It’s no secret that South Africa’s electricity resources are under threat and that we still have a road ahead of us when it comes to conserving the energy we use. With future load shedding being an almost certain possibility in South Africa, it is essential that we all adopt energy-efficient behavior whether it be in our work environments or in our homes.
What’s just as important is how we teach the younger generation, our children, about how we can save electricity so that we can all start making a difference. It may seem like each person’s contribution is so little, but every little makes A LOT! This is the best way I explain it to my kids anyway!
Eskom is helping the way we do this through a programme designed especially to teach children how to be energy sufficient in their everyday lives. The Eskom Energy Efficiency Education Programme is all about empowering children and educators through fun and practical lessons. You just have to browse this material to see how fun, engaging and effective their programme aims to be. You can follow the link to see the material by clicking HERE!
The fact that this material has the potential to find it way into a classroom is both vital and exciting. The classroom is where children from as young as Grade R are being shaped and coached into adopting these life long habits. From as early as this we need to be teaching our children about our responsibility to preserve our world and our environment.
For the educators among us it’s important to realize how much of the power is in your hands. As teachers you are a vital tool when it comes to imparting information of this kind onto the children in your care. The things you teach and the way you impart that knowledge is something of great significance.
There is no need for teachers or parents to be overwhelmed with additional work or put under pressure looking for ways to incorporate these lessons into your classroom or in your homes. Eskom have created the most beautifully illustrated worksheets and programmes designed especially for each age group. They have really gone all out in trying to make these lessons fun and engaging so that children see the fun and importance of being energy sufficient.
The illustration in the e-book is too beautiful for words and your kids will love the proper South African voice narrating it! It is really so quirky and something the youngest of children will be able to understand.
I love that teaching children to respect their environment on every level is really the basis for so much of what they learn and how they see the world. By teaching them to love and respect the earth and all it offers us, also teaches them to love and respect others and to do things with honor and contemplation.
It teaches them to think about the impact their decisions will have and how they need to be accountable for them. At the very least it teaches them responsibility and compassion.
As parents we need to make sure we are doing a good job of raising future conservationists. We need to show them how they can make a difference when it comes to being energy efficient in our every day lives. With Eskom’s Energy Efficiency Programme you are guaranteed to have your kids engaged in fun and educational material that will have them excited to learn! And all you need to do is download the FREE MATERIAL HERE by clicking on the link.
Go on, it starts with you and your family, because like I’ll be telling my kids, ‘Every LITTLE makes A LOT!!