I used to believe that if you wanted good quality goods you needed to buy them brand new. I don’t know why, but I always associated second-hand with old and worn. It’s quite sad when you think that some of the most beautiful and costly things you can buy are old and worn, except there’s a better word for that : Vintage. But other than the cool vintage treasures people occasionally stumble upon, I assumed that previously-owned always meant tatty and dirty.
But I have been proven wrong over the years, especially with buying some great quality items off Gumtree SA. Earlier this year we bought Noah his first set of golf clubs which were in pristine condition from someone who was lived just down the road from us. And when comparing them to what we would have paid new ended up being a fraction of the price. Truth is we never would have been able to afford such good quality golf clubs new, nor would we have gotten the same exceptional quality had we spent our budget on something new.
And I recently proved that it doesn’t have to end with toys and gadgets for the kids. While looking for picture frames for my Bathroom Makeover collab I decided to take to Gumtree once more and see what I could find. I found that the simple frames I was after were quite pricey at stores and wondered if there would be anyone selling something I had in mind for the project. Within minutes of searching “picture frames” in the search bar, I saw a picture of two beautiful frames being sold for R50 each! And the best part was that the young guy selling them was literally one suburb away from where I live. I went to collect them that same day.
The picture frames were used to spruce up our old drab bathrooms and they suit the space perfectly. What do you think?
They were both in excellent condition and perfect to add a little touch to our bathroom shelves. I love that there’s always small ways like this to save and spend your hard earned cash wisely. I love being a Money Smart mom thanks to Gumtree!
What have you bought off Gumtree that you felt was an incredible deal for the money you paid? I would love to hear your stories!
This post was written in collaboration with Gumtree SA.
Great post. I made use of Gumtree once to purchase a washing machine as ours broke at the time and we were cash strapped. The owner selling the machine advertised it as “excellent condition. Like new” and surprisingly, when we got there, the machine was literally still in the box with the foam and plastic attached – it wasn’t even opened and the price you ask? Half of what we would have paid purchasing it new. Needless to say, over 7 years on and it’s still a goodie 🤗 best investment ever. Ps. We always use Gumtree to sell our homewares, extra electronics and gadgets so it’s a really cool platform. These days, I’m also realizing and it makes one aware of the impact it has on the environment and being more mindful of just purchasing because we “need it” as opposed to getting a ‘pre-loved’ item of the same quality instead of buying new so it’s a win-win ❤️
I’m also a tad bit skeptical of buying second hand.But after reading this post I’ll definitely give it a try.