How does that age old saying go? You don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone. Yup that’s the one. That’s kinda how I feel about my skin at the moment. I know I don’t have bad skin, but truth is I used to have great skin. The sad part was that I didn’t do anything to look after it. As a teenager and young adult I rarely needed to wear make-up, but on the nights I did, I never took it off when I got home. And this bad habit just stuck I guess, well into my late twenties when I suddenly realised I better do what my mom had begged me to do for an entire decade and wash my face before bed. (Newsflash girls: Mom’s always right!)

And of course it doesn’t end there. I have wracked up far too many hours under the sun without any skin protection over the years and haven’t taken the time to moisturise my dehydrated skin during the seasons my skin needed it the most. Its really shameful to think that for all those years I barely gave my skin much thought. I just never thought I would get to the point that I would regret it, I guess we never do. But here I am at 36 with pigmentation on my face, no doubt the direct result of no proper skin care/protection all those years ago. Lesson here for all you younger girls reading this? Prevention is better than cure! Look after your skin, be kind to it, it’s the largest organ you have!!!

It’s only been in the last few years that I have even started using products on my skin and trying my best to (if not reverse the damage that has already been done), prevent my skin from ageing further and becoming prone to dark spots and uneven skin tone.


As you know I was asked to trial Environs new Youth are Range a few weeks ago. I wrote a post before I started and shared before pictures with you. (If you didn’t read that post, you can read it here, or if you’re in a rush, don’t worry I have posted these before pictures again below) I ventured into the trial with scepticism but also feeling somewhat hopeful that I would be able to come back with something worthwhile sharing with you today.


Environ a globally recognised and loved skin care brand has recently unveiled their NEW Focus Care Range, a premium range of skin care products specially formulated with intelligent ingredient combinations to target specific skin conditions of ageing, dehydration and sensitivity.

The three products I have been using for the last three weeks are:

1.Focus Care™ Youth+ Avance Elixir ,

2. Focus Care™ Youth+ Revival Masque 50ml, Focus Care™

3. Moisture+ Hydrating Oil Capsules.

(The Youth+ range focuses on smoothing and strengthening aged skin and Moisture+ capsules focuses on hydrating and nourishing dehydrated skin.) The Elixir I used everyday morning and night, the Masque 2 times a week (maybe three!) and the capsules I used 2- 3 times a week. (I received 10)


I will say off the bat the the best product by far from a feeling perspective are the Hydrating Oil Capsules. There’s just no denying that these little golden capsules feel amazing, from the moment you apply them to your skin, ’til long until after the moisturising liquid has been absorbed. As someone who has severely dry skin, I cannot explain to you how nourishing and soothing they feel. Truth is I wish I had one to apply event night before bed! I would lather it on in the morning too for that matter!


The Revival Mask, which some women are referring to as a “facelift in a jar”, I personally found quite interesting. I love the super innovative pump action feature which allows you to simply pump as much of the product as you need and the pretty little brush you receive to apply it to your face. The first time I used it, I found my skin experienced a slight burning/stingy sensation. (Bear in mind I have pretty sensitive skin and my skin does react to most products.)  I’m not quite sure but I secretly like this, because it makes me feel like there must be some kind of an active ingredient in it that is doing its job. (Like no pain no gain sort of mentality). And look, while it tingles a bit here and there for the first little while, it’s by no means uncomfortable or painful.

“The Tri BioBotanical Revival Masque helps to minimise the appearance of uneven skin tone, and promote the effects of natural skin hydration”


The Advance Elixir was my least favourite of the products, purely because I’m not a huge fan of the consistency of the liquid. It have an almost watery consistency, but strangely enough it leaves no sticky residue or unwanted layers. However, I do love what it aimes to achieve!

“It helps to reduce the damaging effect of UV radiation and pollution on the skin. It also assist in maintaining the appearance of a more radiantly youthful and even completion. It also aims to improve the skin’s overall tone, texture and appearance by helping to minimise the viable signs of ageing. With the help of three powerful peptide complexes that may assist in improving the overall structure of the skin”

So while this may be my least favourite (purely from a texture point of view) It turns out it’s probably the one my skin needs most and one that my skin has certainly benefited from most during the trial.

I took a while to notice any major changes in my skin, but I really felt more than ever to keep at it and stick with my morning and evening routine for long enough for it to work. And guys I really do see massive changes in my skin after 3 weeks. While the change was slow, there’s no doubt when looking back at my before pictures, that my skin’s tone has improved and more so, that my pigmentation has reduced drastically! I was so sceptical to post anything that isn’t 100 percent truthful that I even sent the pictures to my mom for her opinion, to which she agreed 100% that she can see major change, especially in my upper lip area. My dad even told me on Friday that my skin is looking pretty and fresh! (Not something I usually hear coming from my pops!)

What I really respect and admire the most about Environ as a Skincare brand is that they are passionate about helping you find the best products suited specifically to your skin. So much so that Environ is only recommended by Skin Care Professionals and sold in Professional Skin Centres so you can rest assured you are receiving only the best advice and care. You can find your store allocator here.

*Please note these pictures are all unedited, taken in natural light, at the same time of day. I tried my best to take them in the same space in my home to allow for optimal comparison.

Can you see the difference? I think you will agree that the pigmentation is the most drastic change, especially on my upper lip area? But overall do you agree that my skin looks tighter, smoother and more even? I’m so excited knowing that this is only the beginning. If this is what 3 weeks has done, can you imagine 3 months?  Or a year??

Is this something that you would love to try? If so, your chance has finally come… Today I’m giving away the exact same selection of products featured here valued at almost R2400!! #FocusCareYouthSA #rubybox #FocusOnFlawless

  1. Like and share the post on Facebook
  2. Make sure you follow Rubybox and The Mom Diaries
  3. Tag a MINIMUM of two friends in the Facebook comments thread.
To double your chances you can head over to Instagram and enter there too! GOOD LUCK!!

Terms and conditions 

  • This competition will run until 26 November
  • The winner need to complete all three steps in order to qualify for the prize.
  • Winner is elected via and my decision is final.
  • The prize cannot be redeemed or sold for cash.
  • This competition is in no way affiliated with Facebook and Instagram.
  • Open to South African residents only







The only other product I have used on my face has been a moisturising cleanser and very basic, non-


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