This post was written in collaboration with Gumtree SA.
Welcome back to our second instalment of our Money Smart Moms Series! A Series which aims to open up a conversation around moms being wiser with their money and, how we can think smart when it comes to buying the the things our kids need! ♥
When Hunter was born, Brody, our youngest was already 4! That means that it had been a whole 4 years since we had had a baby in the house. It also meant we had to re-buy all the things we had previously sold. Thinking we were done having babies meant we got rid of every last thing that was remotely baby-related in the house. (I think it was my husband’s way of firmly shutting the door on that part of our lives and ensuring me he was closed for business!) From cots to prams to breast pumps to high chairs, we sold them off at record pace!
On one hand I think it might have been a good idea to have held on to all the baby paraphernalia (Sneakily I always knew I would convince the hubs to go for number three!!) but, then again, it enabled us to make money back for the things we really needed at the time. (We were living from pay check to pay check back then and had to watch every penny as young parents)
As our boys grew up, so their needs changed. So it t was out with the old and in with the new!! It was during this phase of our lives that we had our first experiences with Gumtree. A platform that enabled us to sell our pre-loved goods in an easy and stress-free manner, usually in less than 24 hours. It was as easy as putting an ad up on their website, waiting for the phone to ring, having people view the item (like our pram) and then waiting for money to clear in our account or having cash put straight into our hands. And just like that we were in the green to shop for other necessities.
It put us in a position of being able to buy the things we needed, like Brody’s big boy bed, without having to use credit cards and go into debt. Instead we were able to buy great quality second-hand items and save money.
And now history is repeating itself, because Hunter is slowly out-growing most of her infant stuff and I’m about to go through the whole process again. Clearing out these things will hopefully allow me to get some money back to buy other things she is needing as she is getting older. And let’s face it things don’t come cheap!! Especially when you buy them new, which is why I’m grateful for platforms like Gumtree!
First up on my list of things to sell is her beautiful basinet stand that I bought just before she was born. It’s with a heavy heart that I prepare to part with this beauty, because I only had her in it for a mere four months. They were the most precious four months though, with her in our room, sleeping only a couple of feet away. I’m praying it finds a perfect home and that it will go on to create many more cherished memories for other adoring parents.
It really was as simple as taking a good quality picture that allows potential buyers to see clearly what I am selling, loading it to the website and filling in the requirements – Area, Item of sale, Price and Description! You can go an view my ad here! As soon as it sells. I’m going to be coming back to Gumtree, but this time as a buyer!
Remember to always be careful when it comes to scammers. Like with any platform, there will always be people who are trying to take a chance, so just be vigilant and trust your instincts.
“The overwhelming majority of online transactions pass off safely, but as platforms sharpen their security and new players enter the market, new scams are created. Fortunately these are fairly easy to identify.” says Claire Cobbledick, Head of Core Business for Gumtree SA
Here are some of the current scam warning signs to look out for:
· Potential buyers who ask you to delete your ad or communicate only via Whatsapp. This makes it hard for the platform to track your communication. Work though the brand app or platform only, and keep your ad active until the item is sold. Do not provide your direct email address or phone number.
· Potential buyers who claim to work offshore. Of course, not everyone who works offshore is a scammer but be extra suspicious if they refuse to communicate via Skype, claim that they don’t have phone access, or that they work on an oil rig or at a mine in a foreign country. Also be very alert to anyone willing to pay for the item via PayPal or money transfer without viewing it.
· Car buyers, in particular, who ask for information not related to the item, e.g. your bank account details, whether or not your car is equipped with an alarm system, your ID number etc. These are possibly data scammers, so never provide any personal information.
· Potential buyers who refer to your advert in vague terms, referencing “the item” or “your merchandise”. It is relatively easy to make sure that the buyer is genuinely interested in your item rather than someone just trawling the internet looking for an easy target.
· Anyone who does not want to meet in person to assess the item or to finalise the deal should concern you, unless there is an obvious geographical reason for this.
· Anyone hounding you constantly to make a decision or a payment should send up a red flag. Do not be pressurised, make your checks.
· Bad spelling, foreign telephone numbers or a refusal to share information are all warning signs.
If in doubt, then back out and report your suspicions to the site so we can follow up. Our help desk operates 24/7. Any confirmed fraudulent activity must also be reported to SAPS.”