So it’s been almost four weeks since I started Adventure Bootcamp South Africa. Flip time is going by so quickly, it feels like just the other day that I joined a class for the first time!
I have learnt so many things along the journey so far, like how capable I am and how resilient my body is despite giving birth three times and carrying babies in my tummy for an accumulative 27 months! As much as I’ve seen my body change with each pregnancy, I’ve noticed how strong I have become, especially where it truly matters – my mind!
You see I think I always used to second guessed my capabilities physically, but somehow the experience of birth enables us to believe we are capable of anything. Now when faced with tough exercise I know what my body and mind are truly capable of doing and achieving anything. No matter how gruelling the session, I know I can do it. (Its like a walk in the park if truth be told)
The other thing I’ve slowly learnt is that I’m not going to see major changes over night. Or even in the first four weeks. As much as my body has bounced back in terms of strength, it may take another month or two for it to really bounce back in terms of appearance. There’s no denying, the weight is a lot more stubborn third time round. I have bulk in places I never had before and my core is having to work its way back to what it was. I guess that just comes with territory. But I need to remember to keep doing my best and not crack open the whip every time I get on the scale or still feel my tummy spill over my jeans. I need to be conscious of the inner dialogue that happens in those moments, because it always has to start with self love and self- acceptance.
My greatest lesson has been this though – That exercise and healthy eating go hand in hand and when you get the balance right, you begin to feel so different from the inside. It can be so hard to focus only only the exterior, but outer -appearance aside, feeling good on the inside is really just as important, if not more so. I feel energised, stronger, more productive and just generally less lethargic, despite waking up several times a night with a restless baby. Getting up each morning to go and work out, hasn’t been torturous because giving up sugar and eating well has fuelled my sleep-deprived body enough to actually enjoy exercise. And there hasn’t been a single session where I didn’t walk away so grateful for the fact that I made it there. While I may not see massive outward changes so far, I certainly feel my body thanking me for pushing the boundaries by going to Adventure Boot Camp.
ABC has given me a glimpse into what my body is truly capable of, if I put my mind to it. Signing up to a program like this, has kept me committed and accountable, and from the very first session I was hooked!
Like with most commitments, it’s sometimes impossible to not be effected by life’s unpredictability. There were days during my first month where I just couldn’t get there, but something in my heart had changed and I felt genuinely disappointed if I couldn’t make a session due to circumstances out of my control. I missed starting my day off in such a motivating environment and feeling my muscles ache in places they hadn’t before.
As a runner I have noticed how my body has become comfortable to certain movements and no matter how far I would run, my muscles weren’t really getting the optimum workout they would get with the resistance training offered at ABC.
If you didn’t read my first post you can read it here.
So without further Ado, here are this months measurements:
Waist – 84 cm (2 cm lost)
Arms – 26cm (1 cm lost)
Chest/Bust – 92 cam (1 cm lost)
Thighs – 44cm (2 cm lost)
Weight – 61.7 kilos. = 2.3 kilos lost.
Not too bad for 4 weeks. I think I had hoped to lose more weight than this but at the same time they say that losing weight slowly is better and that muscle weight more than fat! I also have had to remember that breastfeeding is exhausting and there are days where I just need more energy from food, so I need to listen to those signs.
If you are looking for some incredible motivation to get and stay fit with a group of like-minded women then Adventure Bootcamps may just be what you are looking for. They happen all around the country and at different venues where you can choose which works best for you. With inspirational trainers who are geared to give you the motivation you need, it’s a sure way for you to get on track with fitness and pave your way to a fitter and healthier you. ♥
Head Office Address:
Unit 2, Upper Ground Floor
Double Tree by Hilton
Brickfield Road, Woodstock
7925, Cape Town
Email: or visit their website.
Office Hours:
08h00 – 17h00 (Mon-Fri)
Contact No:
+27 21 447 2746 Or
082 567 2267
You are a rockstar!!
I am back on the band wagon when we get home from Mauritius – need to get my butt back into shape x
Well done!!