There’s no denying that a large part of me wanting a girl was to for all the girly experiences it would offer me. And so far, it hasn’t disappointed. I get to dress her up and put pretty head bands in her hair and just generally explore things I didn’t get to explore with my boys.
But if I really think about it, the reason is far more than just having a little doll to dress up or ballet recitals to look forward to. It’s the desire to hopefully one day have the relationship I have with my own mom. It’s the grown-up relationship I will hopefully have wth my little girl that I get excited about most. Sure it’s all the wonderful experiences and milestones I get to witness as we journey through all her different phases of life but my reason for wanting a girl, I’m realising is largely based on my relationship with her as she matures into a young woman.
I’ve always been close to my mom. As with most girls, she was my first example of how things were done. I have memories of her getting ready in front of the mirror and putting on her makeup, I would love watching her in the kitchen and enjoyed baking with her on the kitchen counter. I remember vividly her working with me on school projects and the way she coloured in, always in a circular motion, so it wouldn’t leave lines on the page. I have memories as far back as her getting me ready for parties and blowdrying my hair for these special occasions, always putting on one of my pretty party dresses with bobby socks and jelly sandals.
And as I got older those experiences morphed into things like movies and shopping and going for coffee as we chatted about life. And then I got married and had my own kids and through that, we became even closer! She has literally been by side through everything. She has been my best friend who has witnessed my whole life up until this point.
Seeing her revel in her role a granny to my kids is a truly special sight. I know there isn’t a single thing she wouldn’t do for them, in the same way there hasn’t been a single thing she wouldn’t do for me since I was born. My mom loves hard, with everything she has – it’s a gift, not something that comes easily to everyone. She, in all honesty, is one of the most selfless people I know, always thinking of her kids and grandkids and how she can help make our lives easier. There is no task too big or too small for her – making dinner, looking after kids, lifting, shopping, emptying bins, changing nappies, doing puzzles with the boys, rocking Hunter to sleep and even sleeping over to take her so I can sleep- these are all the things she does for us, day in and day out with very little reward. (Although she’s such saint she will tell you, being with us is a reward in itself.)
But I felt it was time I spoil my mum a bit to say thank-you for all her help and love she has showered on us over the last little while. With a new baby and a traveling husband, she has swept in and worked her magic and I felt she deserved some spoiling. So we went on a our first little pamper morning with Hunter on Friday starting off at our fave breakfast spot Four and Twenty followed by some girly time at Rouge Day Spa in Kenilworth.
We were treated to the most incredible luxury pedicures – a whole 2 hours of bliss with foot and neck rubs as well as a fabulous heel peel to get our feet summer ready!! This spa blows me away more every time I go. I was reminded how important it is to take some time out to do things like this, so thank you to the lovely girls at Rouge who made our morning that much more memorable. ♥