There are no words to fully describe how happy and excited I feel right now. I honestly don’t think words that have been invented yet to accurately express the degree of emotion I feel at this exact moment in time. Overwhelmed? Yes. Blessed? Certainly. Giddy and in love. Oh you have no idea. But none of these words can really adequately express the knowing that soon (well actually 7 long months from now) we will be welcoming another little life into the world! Come July of next year I will be made a mother all over again and experience the wonder of meeting the tiny human already growing so perfectly in my belly. EEEEEK!

We just got back from our very first scan, which yes only makes me 7 weeks and 3 days, quite early to be going public hey? I realise some of you may think it’s too early to “come out” with an announcement before 12 weeks as there is always a small possibility things could go wrong, but this is the way I see it: I share a lot of intimate and emotional things here on this blog and it’s important to me that I keep being honest and real about every aspect of motherhood, whatever that may entail. I think there is so much misconception about miscarriage and so much guilt and shame associated with it. And although I’ve never had to experience the pain associated with such loss, I know I would want to deal with those feelings through writing about it – Right here on my own personal blog which serves to document all the many highs and lows of my journey through motherhood.

I do not consider myself invincible to the possibility that something could go wrong. But if it did I would want to use this platform to share my journey and my story. You see this blog has become such an integrated part of my life and I hope that I would brave enough to document any tragedy we may face and in turn seek support from some of the brave and courageous women who frequent my little space on the web, many of whom have gone through a miscarriage. You see, miscarriage has become such a taboo topic, but the fact is it can happen to anyone. In fact it happens to more woman than we think and I know many of you would have the perfect words of wisdom to carry me through any unforeseen loss.

So in the name of honesty, transparency and faith we have decided to tell the world our wonderful news and we will continue to trust our God in heaven that he will carry us through any unexpected twists and turns and that ultimately this pregnancy will be a healthy and enjoyable one. (I hear you pregnant mama’s in your last trimesters sniggering at me through clenched teeth! Humour me a little, I’m sure i’ll do my fair share of moaning down the line.)

But serious guys, does it ever get old? Does the novelty of knowing there is a life inside you ever wear off? I cannot imagine it ever does. Because right now we are literally on cloud 9 and no heartburn, morning sickness, backache or exhaustion is going to pull me back down to earth. Not in a hurry anyway.Ā ā™„

Ps. Please expect to be spammed with pregnancy updates, rants and constant questions. I have literally forgotten everything. Like am I allowed Peanut butter? It’s such a debatable one i know, but i need to know what the general consensus is.



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